Category: English

  • Personal Jesus

    reach out and touch faith Now, there’s that church in Lucerne where they installed an AI solution for the faithful to confess to. In hundred languages. While the installation, created in cooperation with Hochschule Luzern, managed to draw a wide audience and not just the usual churchgoers, it drew criticism from the ranks of priestly…

  • Crowdstrike – what just happened?!

    Crowdstrike – what just happened?!

    The world watched how several days ago many services have failed: planes were grounded, news outlets couldn’t publish or broadcast, and ATMs refusing to cooperate with customers. Not every country was affected in the same manner, but enough systems around the world have been afflicted by the digital malady to make it a global issue.…

  • Artificial artist

    Artificial artist

    I have to admit, I was really impressed with the recent advances in artificial image generation. I feel like it was just yesterday that I’ve played with funny and interesting toys where you could describe in plain text what you want to see and then watch AI algorithms slowly, very slowly iterate through trippy abstract…

  • APEXEL 200X Macro Lens Microscope review

    APEXEL 200X Macro Lens Microscope review

    Things far away and things very tiny always interested me. That’s why I got a telescope and a small selection of microscopes ranging from toys to relatively serious lab equipment. Microscopes are fun to play with and a great learning tool for young ones. However, they are somewhat bulky and impractical. Pardon me, Mr. Koch,…

  • G+ users migrating to MeWe?

    I’ve just found that seemingly a large number of G+ users, facing the digital axing of the social network, are migrating to MeWe. There’s a word going around that they might even get a tool to easily migrate their exported G+ data to the new social site. Let’s see how this turns out. I’ve created…

  • Tenerife – some industrial photography

    Tenerife – some industrial photography

    Like the architecture, industrial photography has its own subset of rules and takes time and practice to perfect. Unlike the nature photography, industrial photography is often dominated by geometry and straight lines that demand respectful place in the frame. On the other hand, the interplay of light and shadow can be interesting. Zooming in reveals…

  • Tenerife – Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín

    Tenerife – Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín

    I’ve grown up among the great big socialist buildings, grey and practical. No material to waste, no unnecessary decoration. In return for living in high rise grey buildings, we had big and nice parks, so it wasn’t all that bad. Yet I always felt like the art does not belong to living quarters, it was…

  • Tenerife – let’s make the trees comfortable

    Tenerife – let’s make the trees comfortable

    I’m changing my travel posts: instead of doling out one photo at the time as it was effective on G+ (and led me to over 39.000 followers at the peak of my popularity there – sadly, I never reached 40K), I will group several photos in one post. I’ll try to keep the posts relatively…

  • Tenerife 7

    Tenerife 7

    The inside of the market is full of small shops offering variety of goods. At the moment we were visiting the place, there weren’t too many people around, but it still felt busy. It isn’t that big; it is relatively small, well laid-out and colourful – and nicely clean. There are benches, a sunny middle…

  • Tenerife 6

    Tenerife 6

    La Recova de Tenerife is not an ancient market. It was opened in 1943. and was thriving for several decades, when the introduction of big merchants and, later on, big retailers significantly undermined the popularity of the place. After it was nearly abandoned by the city officials, it reinvented itself as a self-managing co-operative. The…